Technology Subcommittee

Purpose, goals, and desired outcomes:

  • To support the charge to the Professional Development Committee by identifying and prioritizing issues related to current and emerging technologies used in the industry;
  • To identify needs for educational programs to keep members informed.


  • Focus24 education session content that is relevant to the theme and the learning level of participants;
  • CMAA2024 education session content that is relevant to the conference theme;
  • At least 2 articles for MCX on technology topics.

One year, no term limits.

Time commitment:
Monthly committee calls (1-2 hours); attendance at one or both conferences; additional 1-2 hours per month.

CMAA member in good standing.

Knowledge of CMAA Standards of Practice and general knowledge of and interest in technology in the construction industry and future trends. Interest in education programs preferred.

Key success measurements:
Progress against charge(s); as reported to the board.

Resources available to complete the project or task:
Resources identified by committee as part of meeting charge

Staff Liaison:
Alex Early