The CMAA College of Fellows introduces its recently published Career Guide, "What's Your Construction Management VQ (Value Quotient)?" This session highlights the importance of both project and personal success and provides advice for CMs of all career levels. It focuses on applying “who, what, when, where, why, and how” lessons learned to today's rapidly changing world and how CMs can maximize the value they deliver to the triple bottom line of the projects and programs they serve.
Duration: 1 hour | PDHs: 1 | Subscription: 90 days
Presented by: Gary J. Cardamone, PE, FCMAA; Robert Fraga, AIA, FCMAA; Chuck Kleunker, PE, FCMAA; Blake Peck, PE, CCM, FCMAA; Lisa Sachs, AIA, CCM, FCMAA, FAIA; Joe Seibold, PE, FCMAA